Monday, July 13, 2009

Forgotten blogger?

Okay, so it has been so long since my last post that I forgot my password to log in to the website! That is sad. Very, very sad. I could offer lots of valid excuses for why it has been so long, but no one would believe them anyway. Not sure if anyone even reads this anymore, but I just wanted to say a quick hello with the promise of more to come later. I am on Facebook so if you are just DYING to learn more about the ever-exciting life I live, search for me on there! :) Landon thinks the computer is his own personal toy, so trying to type anything when little Monster Man is awake is almost as pointless as my attempts to load the dishwasher in his presence. (Sigh). He's sleeping now, and I have a feeling that he will be my 6 am wake up call, so off I go. More to come!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Random ramblings...

First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! This year might qualify you for the worst gift-getting ever, as I just mailed your birthday card yesterday (no chance of it getting there by tomorrow unless the postman flies all night to deliver it for only 49 cents...) and I still have yet to finish your present. What do I do with myself all day? I'll try to be more on the ball next year, but for now, hope your day is great!!

I have been reading some awesome stuff lately and, not that I have any brilliant insight to add, wanted to share. I grabbed a book at the Christian book store the other week called "Found Faithful" by Elizabeth Skoglund. It is a compilation of stories about Christian heroes like Charles Spurgeon, Amy Carmichael, C.S. Lewis, and Ruth Bell Graham. I found myself reading the part on Spurgeon, not because I wanted to be some big shot intellectual, but just because I wanted a little light reading to help me fall asleep (sorry, Chuck!). But, what I read kept me up a lot longer than I had planned, pondering over how God uses terrible, inadequate, miserable people to do His awesome and mighty will. The man who was called the prince of preachers was so overcome by depression and anxiety that he would spend weeks in bed and was physically ill with worry and loneliness. My favorite quote that I read was "'The strong are not always vigorous, the wise not always ready, the brave not always courageous, and the joyous not always happy.'" I realized that God might have given Spurgeon this cross to bear so that he would never be able to fully rely on himself and pat himself on the back at all that he had accomplished. Rather, it would keep him with one eye on the world and one eye on his Lord, without whom he could so obviously do nothing.

I'm also reading a book by Stormie Omartian, the author of "The Power of a Praying Wife". This one is called "Just Enough Light For the Step I'm On"...a long title but pretty self-explanatory. One quote grabbed me so much that I am stuck at that point in the book - I can't read another word until I get my puny little brain around these..."Even if you are certain God has given you a vision or dream for your future, He will still ask you to surrender it to Him so thoroughly that you will think it's as good as dead." Now, I don't know what that means to you, but that thought kind of scares me! Good as dead? Yikes! How about stable, doing well, or even "kicked in the rear but still breathing!". The more I think about that statement, though, the more freedom I see in it. Hope it means something to you, too.

Well, since I have left myself with no room to hide, guess I'd better get cracking on that present for my dear old madre. Hang on, Billings...spring has to be right around the corner...right?

Cherishing every minute,

Dancing in her birthday suit...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ni-Hao, Kai Lan

Weird title, I know, but I am watching this very strange show with Juliana before she goes to bed. I can tell she's getting older...she used to wind down with books before bed and now it's "Can I please watch a show?" At least all the shows she loves are on safe channels so far, like Noggin and Sprout. (By the way, Ni-Hao means "Hi" in Chinese...aren't we so multicultural?) She still does love to read, though. Today I had to read her a book ("Pinkalicious"...yes, that really is the title!) three times in a row, and when I refused to submit for a fourth she picked up the book and started "reading" it to herself, making up the words by looking at the pictures. Ahh, a girl after my own heart. I remember getting in trouble at school for having my Nancy Drew book stuffed inside my math book, and reading it during class when we were supposed to be doing homework (if you're reading this, sorry mom!)

I have started trying to get back into the gym, since the last time I dragged myself to a scale (sneaking into a friend's bathroom while we were at lunch last Sunday) I was amazed at the pounds I still have left to lose after Landon. I really thought all of those midnight milkshakes and chocolate chip cookie bakes with Juliana were adding to my overall nutrition, calcium and all!! Guess the older you get the harder it is to keep the spare tire at bay...I remember in high school not giving a thought to calories, fat content, or sodium! (I'll miss you, Salt and Vinegar potato chips!) Please don't send me emails telling me not to worry or fret, or how spare tires ARE actually coming back in style...I guarantee I will not starve myself or do anything crazy like give up chocolate. I just feel better when I try to get some exercise, and as an added bonus, an hour to myself every other day. Montana isn't exactly famous for being a bathing suit state (unless you count three weeks out of July) but our trip home to NC in June looms in front of me, full of opportunities to showcase my extra 10 pounds. :)

That seems to be all my little brain can muster up for now. I'll leave you with my top five ways you know you have become a Super Mom...

5. When you ask your husband "What's that white crusty stuff all over your shirt?" you already know the answer is dried snot, but it doesn't gross you out in the least.
4. After putting the kids to bed, when given the choice between doing the dishes or goofing around on the web, you choose to update your blog...
3. While at the mall, you find yourself admiring not the latest style and fashion, but the awesome new stroller parked beside yours...must be the first kid because there is not a dent, scratch, or spit-up stain to be found on the whole travel system.
2. When your toddler says "Daba daba doot do" you know that translates into "I love you Mom!"
1. Instead of fixing yourself some breakfast, you eagerly await the leftovers from your kids plates! Half eaten blueberry pancakes and two bites from a carton of yogurt...HEAVEN!


Love and miss ya'll!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Pictures from a Party

Hey everyone! Not much typing this time - just some pictures from Landon's first birthday party. I had mentioned that we were just having a small, simple affair, but (ahem) it kind of grew as the weekend went on. We hate to leave anyone out so we decided to invite our entire community group from church (they have been such a HUGE blessing to us since we moved here). The grand total at the party was 15 adults and 13 kids. Now Lori Carnes, if you are reading this, I thought back to Jadon's first birthday party with the BBQ in the backyard and the folding chairs and tables, where half the church turned out to wish your little man a happy day. This in no way rivaled a Carnes affair, but it was close. (Love ya girl).

Hope you enjoy the pictures! We sure enjoy our kids and try to relish every day with them. (Landon just popped up in his crib..."Relish? Hot dogs?? I could eat!")

Love and miss everyone!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How the Time Flies...

Hi everyone! Can't believe it's been almost a month since I updated. Man, I'm getting slack. Could be all the chocolate chip cookies I've been consuming lately. Unfortunately, I am usually consuming those cookies while watching The Biggest Loser and thinking "Man, how do people get that big?". Um...HELLO! It's not like I'm eating DIET chocolate chip cookies! I have finally found the perfect recipe for higher-altitude baking and I've been getting in WAY too much practice lately.

On to skinnier subjects...

Bo is in Denver this week doing a bunch of things for work. The kids and I are at home trying to do a bunch of things to keep the boredom (and craziness) at bay until he gets back. Is it really only Sunday night?

Landon will be a year on Thursday, and it is hard to believe how the time has flown by. We're just having a small, simple party on Sunday after church - it fits his laid back personality. He is starting to give Juliana a run for her money as far as getting into things, and his new nickname is "Destructo-Boy!" If he can dump it out, tear it up, or turn it over, he will. It cracks me up because Juliana used to dump things out and then PLAY with them, but Landon just seems to delight in creating the mess and then finding the next thing to attack. He is such a sweetie pie, though, and has all of the nursery workers at church wrapped around his chubby little finger. One lady even has his laugh as her ringtone on her phone...a little disturbing but cute all the same.

I will post some new pictures of the birthday boy and big sis later on this week. Hope everyone in NC is doing great and staying warm!! We have some extra room out here in Montana if you don't like the recent cold was 62 degrees here today! WooHOO! Only in Montana can you have 30 below and 60 above in the same month.

Love and miss everyone!