Hey everyone! Nothing much new in Montana land lately. I know we are having better weather here than everyone back home in NC. Today the high is only 85, and it is nice and breezy and not humid at all...in fact, it has been so dry that there are several fires burning within 25 miles of us. One that was particularly bad started on Sunday and burned over 800 acres. Thankfully only 2 houses were destroyed but you could smell the smoke very strongly yesterday. The news reported that half an inch of rain fell and they were very VERY excited. I thought, "Half an inch? Do we even count that in North Carolina?"
I have been tossing around a possibility for a job at a Christian school just a few miles from our house, teaching music two mornings a week. The school only has 143 students, so it would be a nice part-time thing to get both Juliana and I out of the house and give us a little extra money. It would also still give us time for the all important gymnastics class that Juliana takes on Mondays. She is hilarious...I will have to post some pictures of her doing her "roll" and her "swing". (She hangs on the low bar and pulls her toes up to her hands...she thinks she is SO cool!) The girl has enough energy for a gymnastics class every day, but sadly, it's only once per week.
I'm posting some pictures of Juliana's new doctor kit and her ballet costume. We were watching Elmo on Sesame Street this morning and he was practicing his ballet moves, so Juliana ran and got her leotard and tu-tu. We had to buy the doctor's kit because she LOVES to "check" on the baby in Mom's tummy and poke it and basically make sure everything is doing okay. "Dr. Wagner...paging Dr. Wagner to the OR..."
Love and miss everyone!