Hello everyone! I just figured out how to turn pictures so that they would be right side up, and since all of my pictures of our golfing outing last weekend were sideways, I didn't bother to post them. (Didn't want to give everyone a crick in their neck trying to check out Bo's swing from a sideways view!) BUT...since I have mastered the concept (small wonder since my brain cells are slowly diminishing as the pregnancy gets further along) here they are! We are all doing well, enjoying a Montana fall. The leaves are turning and we haven't had our air on all week, although I did go ahead and throw the electric blanket on the bed just in case of a cold-weather midnight emergency. My sister-in-law, Traci, is due in a few weeks with baby #3 for that branch of the Wagner family (a boy) so Juliana will soon have another little one to terrorize. Let's just call it good practice for when little mini-Bo comes along in January! Hope everyone is doing well...we love and miss you!!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Golfing adventure
Hello everyone! I just figured out how to turn pictures so that they would be right side up, and since all of my pictures of our golfing outing last weekend were sideways, I didn't bother to post them. (Didn't want to give everyone a crick in their neck trying to check out Bo's swing from a sideways view!) BUT...since I have mastered the concept (small wonder since my brain cells are slowly diminishing as the pregnancy gets further along) here they are! We are all doing well, enjoying a Montana fall. The leaves are turning and we haven't had our air on all week, although I did go ahead and throw the electric blanket on the bed just in case of a cold-weather midnight emergency. My sister-in-law, Traci, is due in a few weeks with baby #3 for that branch of the Wagner family (a boy) so Juliana will soon have another little one to terrorize. Let's just call it good practice for when little mini-Bo comes along in January! Hope everyone is doing well...we love and miss you!!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Belly Pictures
Hey everyone! Since we posted some shots of baby Wagner, we wanted to let you see what the rest of us on the outside world are looking like. Juliana is fascinated with my ever-expanding belly, and is constantly lifting up my shirt at inappropriate times (ex: the grocery store) to "talk" to the baby. At least the kids are getting along for now!! Hope everyone is doing great.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Welcome To Our World!
Hello everyone! We just came from our 22 week ultrasound and wanted to share some pictures of our new addition. For all of you who are waiting in anticipation to find out if we will have a Bwoder or a Sissy.....IT'S A BOY!! He was very modest throughout the whole ultrasound, keeping his legs crossed and at one point even covering his...er...boy parts with one hand. Finally at the end of the ultrasound he gave us a nice shot and it was determined that he is, in fact, a boy!! Bo kept asking the technician, "Are you sure? Now exactly how sure can you be on this?". Juliana exclaimed that she still thought it was a sissy, but we still have a few months to convince her now that she will BE the big sissy, not exactly HAVING a sissy. Otherwise the kid will just be really messed up. Hope everyone is doing great! We love and miss ya, and will keep you updated on other news, kid/baby related or otherwise!

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Goodbye, pacy
Well, we have finally done it. We went and did what we said we would never ever do. We crossed the boundary from infanthood and all it's baggage to toddlerhood and all of it's woes. After our last visit to the pediatrician, we were enlightened to the fact that if Juliana keeps her pacy much longer past the age of 2, her teeth could be forever damaged...or at least until they fell out and new ones grew in. Stricken with images of our daughter walking around with her bottom teeth jutting out so far she can't bite an ear of corn, we decided the day had come to get rid of pacy!!! (Insert Jaws-like music here). Easier said than done. For all of you who have children, and for those who don't but are wondering what all the fuss is about, I'm sure this is a much smaller deal in the grand scheme of things than what it seems right now. BUT, as I am typing this, Juliana is laying in her crib pining away for her beloved "PAPY", and has just finished begging me to go to the store to buy a new one. Her current pacy has a large hole in the top, courtesey of Mom sneaking away with a pair of scissors. She looked at it pitifully, held it up to me, and with big crocodile tears sadly proclaimed it to be "bwoke". Mom and Dad are hanging strong with this endeavor, and we are bolting the door and hiding the car keys from each other to keep from running out and snatching up every single pacy in the Walmart baby aisle.
If anyone has any support/comments/suggestions/sympathy they would like to impart on us, please email or call or just fly to Montana and show up at our door.
In other (less depressing) news, we find out Thursday at our ultrasound if this new baby is a boy or a girl! I am 21 weeks and halfway through the pregnancy, but I feel like my stomach is quickly running out of growing room! I'll post some new pictures soon.
Hope everyone is doing great!!! Hugs and kisses from the Wagners, minus one pacifier.
If anyone has any support/comments/suggestions/sympathy they would like to impart on us, please email or call or just fly to Montana and show up at our door.
In other (less depressing) news, we find out Thursday at our ultrasound if this new baby is a boy or a girl! I am 21 weeks and halfway through the pregnancy, but I feel like my stomach is quickly running out of growing room! I'll post some new pictures soon.
Hope everyone is doing great!!! Hugs and kisses from the Wagners, minus one pacifier.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Happy September!
Hi everyone! First and foremost we have to say Happy Birthday to Laura Stamey, Lori Carnes, and Lowell McNaney. Lori and Laura both turned 25 on September 2nd, and Lowell finally reached the ripe old age of 65 on the same day. Congratulations on you AARP membership, Lowell. Actually, just kidding on the ages, but the birthdate was right!
We are looking forward to fall in Montana. I wish everyone could see the scenery and views here...God truly shows off when the sun sets over the mountains. I am settling into a routine with my new job at Billings Christian school. The students are great and actually laugh at my jokes...I think they are just trying to make me feel better but hey, what the heck? Juliana came to class with me to visit and thouroughly amused the 3rd and 4th grade classes by stripping off her pants and diaper when I had my back turned. They got a kick out of it, but mom was not so amused.
Bo was in Wisconsin this past weekend following up on some leads for an event. He drove...in a Ford Probe...with two other guys. He figured he hadn't taken a cross-country road trip yet in the month of August, and since the one in July was so much fun he should aim for one every month or so just to keep the feel of the road beneath his tires. Umm, yeah, not really.
While he was gone Juliana and I spent a few days with Bo's parents. They have 80 acres outside of town and lots of room to run, plus the addition of the world's most-brushed pony, Ladybug. I'm including a few pictures of Juliana's day on the ranch. In one picture she is bugging the heck out of another horse, Jewell, with the water hose. The other picture shows the reason why I have gone through 50 bottles of SHOUT in the last month. Juliana was totally fearless and jumped up on the pony like she had been doing it all her life. We thought we'd start a little off-road enterprise and start charging all her friends for pony rides - a dollar a minute like those massage chairs in the mall?
Hope everyone is doing great! We miss everyone so much and would love to see anyone brave enough to make the trip out west. Our door is always open!!
P.S. - We have our ultrasound to determine if baby #2 is a "Sissy" or a "Bwuhduh" on September 20th, so we'll keep everyone posted!
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