We are slowly getting adjusted to life with two little kiddos. Landon had a great night last night...went to sleep at 11, woke up at 2, and then not again until 6. I know all of you without newborns are thinking "That's a great night?" but trust me...IT IS! :)
I promise I am not entering the witness protection program and falling off the face of the earth as far as answering phone calls and emails. Just when it looks like a good time to call is coming up, the inevitable poopy diaper or nursing moment or "Mommy I have to go potty!" (that one's from Juliana) comes up. When I figure out how to be an adult in the midst of two little people I will pop back up on the radar, I promise!
Thank you to everyone for the phone calls, emails, and prayers. We miss all of our NC buddies and wish we were closer to introduce you to Landon in person!
love from the far side, (for now)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Hello everyone! We are excited to introduce Landon Creed Wagner, born on Tuesday, January 22, at 1:47 pm. He weighed in at 8lbs, 1oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. I was able to have a VBAC (natural) delivery, which we were SO excited about! Labor started around midnight, so it was a very long day, but Bo and I made a great team and made it through. Landon spent some time in the NICU after he was born - he had swallowed some fluid on his way out and the cord was wrapped around his neck once and his leg twice. The doctor had to use the vacuum to get him out in a hurry because his heart rate was very erratic. All I remember is everyone yelling at me to "PUSH!" and me yelling back "I CAN'T!" but apparently, I did. God was in charge of the entire day and process...our nurse's name was "Julia" (reminding me of how all the pain and agony was worth it two and a half years ago). We just felt everyone's prayers and are so thankful that we ended up with a healthy and smooth delivery.
Juliana met her little brother for the first time today and just wanted to kiss him and hold him. We'll see how long that lasts, but for now, she is VERY excited to be the big sis.
I'll post more pictures and video later on. We are supposed to go home from the hospital tomorrow.
Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers...we love and miss everyone!
-Bo, Brooke, Juliana, and Landon
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Too tired for a title...
Hello everyone! We had anticipated our next posting to come AFTER Landon's birth, but obviously he has not gotten the hint. Still pregnant, still waiting, and still ready to have a baby! Juliana even grabbed my stomach tonight and said "Landon, come out PLEASE!". I guess she's tired of hearing me whine, too.
We are enjoying a beautiful snowfall tonight. Over the last few days we've gotten almost 6 inches of snow (Bo said more like 4 or 5 but I like to think big). The temperature right now is -1, and the high today was only 7 degrees! It was hilarious. There's a big warm-up scheduled for later on in the week...I think the high on Wednesday is 27. Of course, I am enjoying it now (and eating lots of snow cream!) but I'm sure by March I'll be singing a different tune. The funniest thing about all of this snow is how much the people from Montana complain about it, too! It makes me feel better to know I'm not just a wimpy little Southerner...these die-hard Montanans don't like the cold any more than I do (although I did see a fashion-conscious teenager wearing short sleeves yesterday...guess the quest to be cool outweighs the need to be not frozen!).
Keep checking back...I just know one of these days I'm going to have a baby!
Love and miss everyone.
We are enjoying a beautiful snowfall tonight. Over the last few days we've gotten almost 6 inches of snow (Bo said more like 4 or 5 but I like to think big). The temperature right now is -1, and the high today was only 7 degrees! It was hilarious. There's a big warm-up scheduled for later on in the week...I think the high on Wednesday is 27. Of course, I am enjoying it now (and eating lots of snow cream!) but I'm sure by March I'll be singing a different tune. The funniest thing about all of this snow is how much the people from Montana complain about it, too! It makes me feel better to know I'm not just a wimpy little Southerner...these die-hard Montanans don't like the cold any more than I do (although I did see a fashion-conscious teenager wearing short sleeves yesterday...guess the quest to be cool outweighs the need to be not frozen!).
Keep checking back...I just know one of these days I'm going to have a baby!
Love and miss everyone.
Monday, January 14, 2008
A Few Things I've Learned...
This is mainly for all of you women...a few thoughts on things I have learned while waiting (and waiting and waiting) for Landon to make his appearance:
1. There is absolutley NO limit on the number of times people are allowed to ask you "Haven't you had that baby yet?", even if they saw you earlier in the day and asked you the question that very morning.
2. Mood swings and pregnancy are so intertwined that it is hard to tell if you are cranky because you are still pregnant or still pregnant because you are cranky.
3. Eventually you DO get tired of trying to hold the sippy cup, wrestle a purse and a diaper bag out the door, AND hike your pants up every few steps while explaining to your toddler why you can't hold her baby doll, too (but eventually, you do break down and carry the baby doll). This leads to your careful weighing of the decision, "Do we really NEED toilet paper from WalMart today?" even if you ran out three days ago.
4. There are skinny people EVERYWHERE when you are pregnant, and none of their faces look even the slightest bit puffy.
And, the most important thing I have learned in the past few days of this pregnancy (drum roll)...
5. If you can still manage to reach for the bag of M&M's just out of arm's length on the couch during a contraction, it is probably not TRUE LABOR!!!
Hugs and kisses to all, and keep watching...I just KNOW this baby is as ready to be born as I am to see him!
1. There is absolutley NO limit on the number of times people are allowed to ask you "Haven't you had that baby yet?", even if they saw you earlier in the day and asked you the question that very morning.
2. Mood swings and pregnancy are so intertwined that it is hard to tell if you are cranky because you are still pregnant or still pregnant because you are cranky.
3. Eventually you DO get tired of trying to hold the sippy cup, wrestle a purse and a diaper bag out the door, AND hike your pants up every few steps while explaining to your toddler why you can't hold her baby doll, too (but eventually, you do break down and carry the baby doll). This leads to your careful weighing of the decision, "Do we really NEED toilet paper from WalMart today?" even if you ran out three days ago.
4. There are skinny people EVERYWHERE when you are pregnant, and none of their faces look even the slightest bit puffy.
And, the most important thing I have learned in the past few days of this pregnancy (drum roll)...
5. If you can still manage to reach for the bag of M&M's just out of arm's length on the couch during a contraction, it is probably not TRUE LABOR!!!
Hugs and kisses to all, and keep watching...I just KNOW this baby is as ready to be born as I am to see him!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Landon's latest photo shoot

Here's some ultrasound pictures from our appointment today. If you can't tell at first what you're looking at, don't feel bad...Bo and I had no idea how to tell a chin from an elbow unless the tech explained it to us! The first two are 3D - but of course, he had his hand in front of his face. The last picture is his profile in standard 2D...a little grainy but we still think he's cute!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
37 Weeks and counting! We had a baby shower today, graciously given by my sister-in-law Traci, and now I have finally been given the go-ahead to get this whole labor and delivery process on the move. I was going to have major guilt if I missed my own baby shower, so I was glad that Landon decided to come to the party still being carried around by mom. The shower was tons of fun and made me so thankful for the friends we have made since coming to Billings.
Not too much else to report from this end. Our apartment is getting more and more crowded with baby stuff, and is now starting to look like a cross between a small day care center and a toy store. Juliana has already figured out the buttons on the bouncy seat and swing, so if I thought that little "soothing" ocean-sounds music drove me nuts the first time around, now I am really on the rampage to TURN THAT MUSIC OFF!! (Thanks, Fisher Price!)
Speaking of noise, Landon will be sleeping in a bassinet in our room for the time being, so we are praying that either Bo will be cured of snoring by the time he is born or he will just be a really, really sound sleeper. Pray for a happy, nap-lovin' kid!!!
That's about all for now. Hope everyone's 2008 is off to a wonderful start. We'll keep ya posted on Landon's progress!!
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