Hey everyone! Here's what happens when you ask to go on a date with my husband. All I wanted was a nice, quiet, candlelight dinner where I could actually eat all my food while it was still hot and not have to cut anyone else's meal into little bite-sized pieces, but NOOOOO! My wonderful husband went all out and secretly planned a trip to Cody, Wyoming last weekend and whisked me away Saturday night. (Actually, it's kind of hard to "whisk" a pregnant woman anywhere, so he gave me a little advanced warning before we got in the car). We had a great weekend just relaxing and sleeping in past 7:00 am (that is usually an impossible feat at our house).
In case any of you are tempted to spell Wyoming with a "Why", I figured out the answer to that last weekend. There is not too much of anything in Wyoming unless you like lots of nativity animals and open road. A few of these pictures are animals we actually saw just sitting in the middle of the highway waiting for us, looking at us as if we were really upsetting their relaxing Sunday afternoon plans. We probably looked like crazy Japanese tourists, because with every new animal group we'd come upon, I'd grab the wheel and shout at Bo to STOP AND TAKE A PICTURE!!!
We did get to go to the Buffalo Bill historical center and museum, which was pretty interesting (at least for the first hour). After a while we kind of decided that after you'd seen one buffalo, you'd probably seen them all. I did learn, however, that grizzly bears have a hump on their back, and brown and black bears do not, so if you see the Hunchback of Notre Dame covered in fur and heading towards you out in the woods, it's probably a good idea to turn around and tiptoe out the way you came. One picture is my hand compared to a grizzly's paw....let's just say I won't be shaking hands with one anytime soon.
My dad is stopping in this weekend for a quick visit. He's combining a trip to Canada with a return trip through Billings and staying through Sunday. I told Juliana that Papa was flying on an airplane to come see her, and she smiled and said "Thank you, Papa!" We're going to attempt a picture with Santa tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully Papa will be a good distraction and she won't be too freaked out by the big man in the red suit.
For all your Crossroads people at home getting ready for the dinner theater, I'll be thinking about you!!! Maybe you could just put a cardboard statue of me on stage at some point so I can at least feel like I've been there with you through it?? Somebody suggest that to Mark.
Love and miss everyone! More to come...
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