Hello everyone! We finally made it back to Montana from our trip home to NC. We had a wonderful time, and it was soooooooo good to see everyone again. I wish I could have hugged everyone at church and visited with everyone all day - I know there were still a few people I missed catching up with. Hopefully when we come back this summer we'll get to see even more people and spend a little more time there.
The plane ride home was a little more difficult than the first one. Somehow coming back from a trip never seems as exciting as going there, and I think the kids were both picking up on my emotions. We sat beside a very nicely dressed business man on both legs of the trip, and I just had horrifying premonitions of Landon puking all over some guy's $2000 suit or Juliana's fruit-snack-sticky fingers ruining his starched shirt. The poor guy on the trip from Charlotte to Denver informed me as soon as we sat down that he and his wife didn't have kids, and didn't really ever WANT any kids. I told him I was about to show him why. (Just kidding - I laughed and said the kids weren't mine, I had just found them wandering around the terminal and felt bad for them). Overall, the stress of travel was worth getting to see everyone again. You all have no idea how much it means to me to still be in contact with so many people from home, and to have had so many people go out of their way to see us while we were there.
My sister-in-law called when we got back to make sure we had really come back to Montana! She was worried we would step one foot into the beautiful 70 degree wonderfulness and decide to stay there for good. It's weird - going back home made me realize how much we miss, but also how connected we have become here in MT in the past 9 months. We have really made some great friends here, and if you can overlook the days when you have your heat AND A/C running in the same day, it's not a bad place to live.
We took the kids to the circus last night with Juliana's cousins, Aleiah and Andrew. Everyone agreed that the clowns were just creepy, but Juliana did insist on taking a ride on the elephant. Here's a few pictures from under the big top.
Love and miss everyone!
1 comment:
I am so happy you had a safe trip and that your family got to meet Landon!!!
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