Thursday, May 15, 2008


For those of you who would choose to criticize the lack of recent updates due to circumstances beyond my control (namely, potty training one stubborn two year old), this one's for you... (Tammy Cozad, I'm coming after ya...)

In honor of one of our favorite Friday night TV shows, NUMBERS, I have decided to post some numbers of my own.

Number of diapers changed each day at the Wagner house - average, 11
Number of times I wake up each night to tell Bo to quit snoring - 2
Number of goofy, drooly smiles bestowed upon us per day by Landon - 15
Number of goofy, drooly smiles bestowed upon us per day by Bo - 0
Number of times I remind Juliana to "please keep your clothes on, sweetie!" every hour - average, 4
Number of times I turn up the chocolate syrup bottle when I think no one is looking - on a good day, 5
Number of times I am thankful that I get to stay home and experience all the madness - countless!

Wish I could say that chocolate syrup one was made up, but you know how I feel about chocolate deprivation!

I am SOOO looking forward to our visit in July! I am also SOOO excited that my wonderful husband will be with me on the plane rides.

Landon is being dedicated at church on Sunday at the 11:00 service. Let's pray big sister keeps her clothes on at least long enough to stand on stage. I'll post some pictures next week.

Oh! Bunny update: We have seen one tiny little baby bunny hopping around the yard, but we have also seen one fat orange cat prowling around, so we'll see who prevails.

Love and miss everyone!


Christine said...

apparently i blog now!! :) hope all is well, brookie.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.