As always, it's been an interesting week here at the Wagner household. Last Saturday was Juliana's 3rd birthday party!! Those of you who remember when she was born are probably thinking what I'm thinking - how can it have been three years already? Rather than post (I'm so tired I almost spelled that "poast" "toast") a bunch of pictures, I'm including a link to my Shutterfly album of the Princess party. There's a few pictures of Landon in there, too, that were too hilarious not to include. Juliana had a fantastic time at her party, and couldn't believe that all of those presents were really for her. She was really into opening them until she got to the gift that included a pink purse, lip gloss, and her favorite present of all...GUM! (Thanks, Myla!) After that the presents were only so much tissue paper - she really could have cared less if she opened another one the rest of the day. She kind of flipped out when we went in to cut the cake and sing "Happy Birthday". It was a little too much to have everyone staring at her and being the complete center of attention. Enough rambling - here's the link to the pictures:
In other news, Bo has been worshiping at the temple made of stone - kidney stone, that is. We were in the emergency room last night from 12:30 am until somewhere after 4:00. He got two bags of fluid, lots of morphine, and a reminder of why it's good to drink water when your name is Bo Wagner. Chad Cozad was visiting from NC so it was a blessing to be able to leave the kids sleeping while he was at the house. We like to break all of our visitors in with some kind of midnight surprise, like "Hey! We're outta here! You're in charge of our offspring!" and hit the road for the nearest emergency center. Just for kicks, of course. Those of you who have been fortunate enough to witness my husband on narcotics would have been proud. He held his own and did not have to be physically assisted out of the hospital.
We are leaving tomorrow for West Yellowstone; my first visit to the Yellowstone National Park area. I am told it's one of the most beautiful places in Montana so I'll be sure to post a few pictures when we get back.
Hope everyone is doing great! Love and miss ya.
Hi Brooke! Sorry we didn't get to see you while you were here.. your children are so sweet.. I can't believe Juliana is 3 already!
Stay well..
Aimee and Cary
Happy Birthday Juliana!!! Hope you enjoy Yellowstone!!!
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